Business English Expression: “ahead of the pack.”

Business people use this expression to convey that something or someone is moving faster, advancing more and achieving more ahead of everyone and everything else. 

Here are some ways to use this expression in english: 

  1. To be “ahead of the pack” means to be better or more successful than the competition.
  2. I am going to leave early so I can get to the beach before “ahead of the pack.”
  3. If we want to stay “ahead of the pack”, we’re going to have to work hard and continue to innovate.

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Traduzir para portugues brasileiro

Expressão de inglês para negócios: “ahead of the pack.”

Os empresários usam essa expressão para transmitir que algo ou alguém está se movendo mais rápido, avançando mais e realizando mais à frente de todos e de tudo.

Aqui estão algumas maneiras de usar essa expressão em inglês:

  1. Estar “ahead of the pack” significa ser melhor ou mais bem-sucedido do que a concorrência.(To be “ahead of the pack” means to be better or more successful than the competition. )
  2. Vou sair mais cedo para chegar à praia antes “ahead of the pack.”(I am going to leave (early so I can get to the beach before “ahead of the pack.)
  3. 3.Se quisermos ficar “ahead of the pack,” teremos que trabalhar duro e continuar inovando.(If we want to stay “ahead of the pack”, we’re going to have to work hard and continue to innovate.)

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No: 3 - Ahead of the pack (Business Expression)